I’ve been thinking lately about the comical nicknames I’ve heard for Grandparents.
The words Grandmother and Grandfather seem so formal. Grandmother is often what you will hear on an old movie and notably stated by someone who is of wealth. Think Katherine Hepburn for one. Trendy names for women enjoying their son’s and daughter’s kids are funny names like GeeGee, Mimi, Gmaw or just calling her by her name, Myrtle. Gasp.
For the men we have Nonno, Opa, PeePaw or the special one, Grandude.
Unfortunately, I am not one of those lucky ladies that had little ones running around back 30 years ago. Well, maybe 40 years ago. So, I never had the prerogative of choosing my official “Grand Name”. I would have settled for Grandma, as my sister and my own mother selected, but, alas it was not to be.
My Father, was a real Grandpa and actually, his father was my Grandpa. I really did not have too much time with my Grandpa as he passed when I was about 7 years old. I remember the lollipops, his Hungarian accent and his cigarettes. All good memories.
That is what we want the kids to remember. That they will always think kindly of us old folks. That we treated their booboos, took them to the pool and to Disney World.
It really does not matter if you are known as Gigi or Pop Pop, just as long as you ARE never forgotten.